ACTS: Do know the experience when you can stand and reflect that God is answering specific prayers in a powerful way? This is my feeling when I see what God is doing and allowing us to be a part of regarding the churches here in Rwanda. I remember the feelings of devastation as we saw the closure of more than 6,000 churches in Rwanda last year. I, along with many Rwandans, cried out to God for help. Eighteen months later, we...
It’s Sponsorship Time! As we begin a New Year, Children in Rwanda begin a new school year. The school year 2020 begins in just days on January 6! We have registered all students to our capacity at this time, with 100 more on a waiting list. If you sponsor a student through Love Alive’s sponsorship program, the time to renew your sponsorship is now! If you have not sponsored before, but would like to begin sponsoring a child, this is a fabulous time to begin...
Hello. I trust this letter finds you doing well. I am most certainly grateful to you and for the way God has used you in prayer and support of ministry here in Rwanda. Just over one year ago, I wrote to inform you of the drastic changes that had taken place here, with the government closing well over 6,000 churches. Some of you compassionately responded to assist the churches here. Last year we were able to see two churches we work...
Hello! I’m always surprised to see how much time has passed since my last update! Forgive me as I try to cram the highlights of the past few months into one letter. God continues to be at work in many ways and in many lives here. MAY: On May 15, we began a ministry that is dear to my heart, and was certainly a leap of faith to begin. We opened the doors to The Scarlet Cord, a one-year program...
Pastor Damour’s testimony is one of amazing grace and a life surrendered to God’s work in the far regions of Rwanda. “I was born into and raised in a family of non-Christians. As I grew I was a terrible sinner. I was a drunkard for 17 years,” Damour shares of his history. Later, Damour began reading the Bible. “I read that the righteous would go to heaven forever, but sinners would be in Hell. I was very afraid of Hell,” he...
Pastor Patrick’s Personal Testimony: I received Jesus as my Savior at the age nine, and from then I continued to attend church services. However, at the age of fifteen, I was left the only living member of our family of five, the rest of my two older brothers and my parents having died. I started to be discouraged. Later on I came to my senses and recognized that whatever case it may be, God is good all the time. So i...
Let me tell you about the Scarlet Cord! We have established our vocational training center for women this year in Kagugu, Rwanda. This area is particularly known for women in the sex trade. The objective of our center this year is to provide a place for counseling, Bible teaching, healing, friendship and community support for these women. Not only will they be learning to sew, in order to have a fair trade by which to improve the lives of...
It wasn’t the first time since I have lived here that I wished I had a medical background, and for a split second, I considered becoming a cardiac surgeon. A split-second later, I recalled that I am only one person, and can only do so much, that besides not actually being good around blood, bile, exposed body tissues, and various other bodily fluids, it would also cost me at least six years. Six years in which I couldn’t...
Dear Friends, 5/4/2017 Happy Spring! I trust you are all doing well. I’d like to share a brief update on Love Alive ministries in Rwanda. Quick Trip: The last week in March, I was able to fly to the USA to take part in a mission-emphasis week at my home church in Tennessee. During the time I was home, I was able to visit area churches and mission partners as well as family and friends. This was certainly a refreshing time...