Donate ABOUT US Student Sponsorship While Rwandans prize education and the government has made public education available to all citizens, many children are still unable to attend school. ... DONATE ABOUT US Hospital Care Fund Curled up in his mother’s arms in a hospital bed, he sobbed and writhed in pain. Consoling the mother, I assured her, ... DONATE OUR MISSION Vocational Training For those who were unable to study past primary school, Vocational training is an excellent avenue for advancement. DONATE OUR BLOG Community Farming Hunger is an ongoing problem in Rwanda. This was greatly exacerbated by Covid-19, which shut borders and quarantined citizens. DONATE OUR BLOG Early Learning Center Child Development in the early years is crucial to the health and well-being of the child as well as necessary

Our Mission

LOVE ALIVE INTERNATIONAL seeks to put the love of Christ into Action reaching across the globe through evangelism, education and humanitarian aid.

ACTS Assisting Churches Through Stewardship

Love Alive in Rwanda is rolling out a new ministry opportunity.


We would fail to adequately convey the love of Christ if we failed to share the ultimate message of Christ’s love in his plan of Salvation for mankind.

Community Farming

Love Alive provided all the land, hand tools, seeds, fertilizer, chemicals needed.

Hospital Care Fund

We regularly visit all hospital patients to pray with them and provide small gifts and encouragement.

Early Learning Center

The need for early learning centers and preschool opportunities is vast.

Student Sponsorship

While Rwandans prize education and the government has made public education available to all citizens, many children are still unable to attend school.

Graceful reminders of God’s Goodness

Thank you for your kind gifts to this ministry and for your...

A Home in the Mountains

Dear Friends, The month of January has been full with God’s grace in...

Happy New Year. December in Review

Dear Friends,                                                                     1/9/2024  Happy New Year!  Thank you for your gracious...

Monthly Ministry Update

Thank you for your gifts to this ministry. Your prayers and your...

Focus on Love

Happy Valentine’s Month. As I consider the focus on love this month...