Dear Friends of Love Alive,

It has been another blessed and busy month full of activity and new programs coming to fruition. I am reminded of Proverbs 16:9 wherein we read that we humans may make our plans and agendas, but it is God who will direct our ways. I am so thankful for a God who plans our every step. Admittedly, when I came to Rwanda, I had various ideas and plans, but very little concrete direction on how they would be carried out. I trusted that if I took the first step of coming, God would continue to guide. He has done so faithfully.

If you only knew how small my own ambitions and expectations were of what could be accomplished in the first year, you may understand how I stand in awe of God’s ways, and how He is allowing Love Alive to be used to minister to so many.

I really just hoped that in the midst of evangelistic endeavors we may be able to help a few people, maybe send a few children to school, maybe help with a need here or there.

To date we have 150 students in school this year. Twenty-five of these are vocational students, in a one-year program learning skills to support themselves and their families upon completion.

In February, we partnered with a local ministry and a local church to begin two new projects, neither of which I had anticipated, but believe God directed so that others may be blessed. The first project is a Salon school for vulnerable youths, whether orphaned, refugees recently relocated from Tanzania, or due to immense poverty having had to discontinue school in their early years, these 10 students were specifically chosen within their community for training. We are using the location of a local ministry, who hired the teacher and organized for the project, while Love Alive is covering all costs for these students. In talking with each of these students, I was impressed at their commitment to find a way to support themselves and also their families, not to be dependent, and to give their future children a stable upbringing.

Also in February we partnered with a local church to provide a Sewing Center for women who are widowed, suffering with Aids, have no family to help support them, and may have several children needing their support. This is the church to which we donated the 6 sewing machines last year. We have now entered a one-year agreement with them to provide building, teacher salary, materials, and more machines, so that each of these women will, within one year, learn the skills she needs to be able to earn a small income to help support her family. Again, God directed this. I was happy simply to give the machines a year ago, but now we are providing the skills necessary for these women. The sewing center is adjacent to my office, so I am frequently able to talk with these women, who often express their gratitude to God and to you for this blessing.

Also, in this last month, I have begun 2 Bible clubs targeting our sponsored students. I desire that more than basic education, they will understand the love of Christ and the salvation He offers, and that they will learn how to live a life pleasing to God. On Fridays, I go into the city to meet with 7 of our children and we have our Bible story time. On Saturdays 45 children come to my home each week and we have songs and coloring pages, Bible verses and Bible stories and snack. A third Bible club may be right around the corner, as many of the neighborhood children are also wanting to come, but more than 50 children in my living room at one time, is a bit …well, difficult!

I’m thankful for these opportunities to plant seeds in these lives.

March is looking full of potential and I look forward to keeping you updated on all that is happening here.

God bless you all abundantly,

Laura Yockey

P.s.  The registration is still a work in progress, I have renewed my temporary visa in the mean-time. God has that all in His hands too!