In full transparency of how funds donated to Love Alive International were spent in 2014, I would like to share with you charts identifying expenditures as well as a brief explanation of each category. Education: $13,494.13 In 2014, you helped us sponsor 140 children in nursery school, primary and secondary schools. Sponsorship includes the children’s school fees, uniforms and all necessary school supplies. For grades Primary 6 through secondary school sponsorship also includes school lunch. The education expenses paid this...
Love Alive International would fail to adequately convey the love of Christ if we failed to share the ultimate message of Christ’s love in his plan of Salvation for mankind. In fact, were it not for the ultimate Gospel message, Love Alive International would not exist. While humanitarian efforts are a major channel for demonstrating Christ’s love, the Salvation message is the primary gift of love from God to man. Any gift, however great or small, given through Love Alive, will...
LOVE ALIVE INTERNATIONAL seeks to put the love of Christ into Action reaching across the globe through evangelism, education and humanitarian aid. Mission Statement: Love Alive International seeks to provide an avenue for you to reach out to those across the ocean and yet designate just how your donation will be used and to see the impact of your personal gift. You can designate your gift for any amount to any need you are impacted by and be informed as to exactly...
You’ve heard of sponsoring a child, but have you ever considered sponsoring a church? Love Alive in Rwanda is rolling out a new ministry opportunity. Through befriending a local church here in Rwanda, you will have the opportunity to partner in the ministry of the gospel in a rural African village, while still able to remain in your home and work in your home country. Assisting Churches Through Stewardship: Throughout the book of Acts, we see that the New Testament church was one...
Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 It’s the Golden rule, right? We’ve heard it since we were children, seen it written on plaques, and recited it to others. These are the words of Jesus to us, his followers about how we are to treat each other. Often it is easy to dismiss the needs of those whom we have never met face to face. It’s understandable. We may not feel a personal relationship with them. We...
“The Land of a Thousand Hills,” Rwanda is a beautiful country of lush green hillsides dotted with mud homes and small farms. Small enough to fit into the state of Tennessee four times, Rwanda is the second smallest African nation. While a very small country, she is densely populated with nearly 12 million citizens. Fifty percent of Rwandans are under the age of 18. While often recognized as a country marked by a horrendous genocide in 1994, Rwanda is so much...