In full transparency of how funds donated to Love Alive International were spent in 2014, I would like to share with you charts identifying expenditures as well as a brief explanation of each category.
Education: $13,494.13 In 2014, you helped us sponsor 140 children in nursery school, primary and secondary schools. Sponsorship includes the children’s school fees, uniforms and all necessary school supplies. For grades Primary 6 through secondary school sponsorship also includes school lunch. The education expenses paid this year also include payments made this December for children attending in the 2015 school year.
Vocational Training: $11,027.70 In 2014, Love Alive International organized 3 vocational schools, a salon school, and our 2 sewing centers. The expenses in this category include machines, materials, building rental, teachers and security personnel.
Evangelism: $10,911.39 Expenses for evangelism include all expenses necessary to conduct children’s Bible schools, Bible clubs, Sunday school trainings, distribution of Bibles and sharing the Jesus Film.
Wellness: $3,846.42 Wellness is a broad category that includes our hospital project, begun this fall, whereby we assist patients who are unable to pay for the medical treatment they need, and thus would otherwise be left untreated. It also includes the government insurance for families, as once a person has insurance, routine medical care and medications cost only pennies. Other items here include food for families in need, shoes and clothing, and rental payments for families in need.
Sustainable projects: $2,156.62 Our project of 100 laying chickens for a local school’s nutrition program as well as our goat project giving goats to widows to support income generation are shown here.
Miscellaneous: $1,299.68 This category illustrates mundane but unavoidable costs nearly the entirety of which consists of international money transfer fees and PayPal fees.
The final graph illustrates the past two years of expenditures for each category. As one can easily see, our donations multiplied greatly this past year; as a result, we were able to impact many more people.
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