Happy Valentine’s Month. As I consider the focus on love this month and reflect on ten years in Rwanda, I think back to the reason Love Alive was begun. I John 4 tells us that God is Love and that all who are in Him will share this love. When God created the world and man in it, He desired a relationship with us. When man chose to sin against Him, in His love and mercy, he made the way...
Love, it’s a wonderful thing. It is what relationships are rooted in, what we thrive on, what we need more of in families, churches and society. Love is easy, even fun and gratifying when there is genuine gratitude, joyful reception, productivity and reciprocity, but what do we do when Love doesn’t seem to be working. I love the lighter side of love, it’s the side we find most joy in, and the perspective of love you’ll see in most of my photos...