Happy Valentine’s Month. As I consider the focus on love this month and reflect on ten years in Rwanda, I think back to the reason Love Alive was begun. I John 4 tells us that God is Love and that all who are in Him will share this love. When God created the world and man in it, He desired a relationship with us. When man chose to sin against Him, in His love and mercy, he made the way of our salvation through sending His son Jesus. Jesus lived among us, displaying in his ministry the great love of the Father. Jesus Himself taught us that the greatest command was to love God and similarly to love each other. Jesus, in the greatest display of sacrificial love gave His life for our salvation, not because we were deserving, but because of His great mercy.

God call us not only for His love to dwell within us, but to exemplify his love to the world.

Thank you for choosing to be a part of this ministry. Thank you for the love that you show with each gift and each prayer. May you know “the breadth, and length and depth and height: and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Ephesians 3:18-19