Attention all Sponsors!
For the past 5 years, we have been blessed to sponsor children in Rwanda to go to school for an entire year for the low rate of only $35 per student. This has included their school uniforms (shorts or skirt, shirt and sweater), their basic school supplies, school fees, and in the cases of 6th grade through high school, their lunch fees as well.
At this time it is important to raise the cost by $10 per year to be able to cover expenses as they have grown slightly over time.
Beginning January of 2018, the cost of sponsorship will be $45 per child.
HOWEVER: You may continue your sponsorship or begin a new sponsorship before December 31, 2017 and still sponsor a child for only $35.
Beginning January, 2017, the cost of sponsoring a student will be $45 per child.
God bless you!
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