Sewing Centers

SAM_7331Love Alive International Sewing Centers

Buy a Bolt of Fabric | $40 Buy a Sewing Machine | $120

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Love Alive’s sewing centers give women the opportunity to advance their lives, improve their economic status, and thereby enhance the lives of their families and communities.

As we seek to develop the most vulnerable women, are sewing center students are comprised of females who were unable to obtain an education, many having only studies a few years of primary school. Most of the women were orphaned prior to adulthood. Most of our students are survivors of genocide. Many are widows, single mothers, and orphans. All live in poverty.

Yet, what a joy it is for them to be able to able to obtain an entire year of training entirely free, become equipped with a vocational skill, and upon completion, be equipped with their own sewing machine and necessary items to begin their trade.

This ministry, which began with the gift of a sewing machine has blossomed over the past few years into a ministry to improve the lives of many families. Our graduates are often thrilled to share how their lives have been blessed, how they now dress with pride, walk in dignity, and are able to provide education for their children and afford material necessities such as sugar, salt, soap, that they previously went without.

Love Alive’s sewing centers have been the answer to the prayers of many women who were knocking Heaven’s doors, asking God to provide.

The cost to educate a woman for one year in the program is approximately $200.

The cost to equip each graduate with her own sewing machine and kit of supplies including iron, material, scissors, thread, buttons, zippers, elastic and more is also a gift of $200.

Providing a woman a sewing machine gives her not only the opportunity to sew for her own family, but also to earn a living sewing school uniforms, mending and sewing clothing for customers. While a sewing machine typically costs about $125, this as an enormous sum to most African families, equating roughly four month’s income (based on per capita stats). Without the ability to borrow money from family or friends or obtain a bank loan or pay with credit card, a family may not be able to purchase a vital tool to provide an income that will enable them to continue meeting the needs of their family. This gift is truly one of providing an occupation.


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