Danielle Heffernan, Secretary: Pastor's wife, prayer-warrior, teacher, and home-school-mother of four, Danielle and her husband planted and...
Robert Yockey, Treasurer: Robert Yockey has faithfully served in ministry capacities for 40 years. He currently pastors the...
Beverley Nash, Vice President: Beverley has served for a number of years in women's ministries. She has...
Laura Yockey, Founder & Director: Laura Yockey is the founder of LOVE ALIVE INTERNATIONAL Inc. She...
Integer sit amet volutpat massa, auctor ornare neque. Nunc at nibh venenatis dolor pulvinar aliquam. Nulla...
Integer sit amet volutpat massa, auctor ornare neque. Nunc at nibh venenatis dolor pulvinar aliquam. Nulla...