Hello. I trust this letter finds you doing well. I am most certainly grateful to you and for the way God has used you in prayer and support of ministry here in Rwanda. Just over one year ago, I wrote to inform you of the drastic changes that had taken place here, with the government closing well over 6,000 churches. Some of you compassionately responded to assist the churches here. Last year we were able to see two churches we work...
In mid-February of this year, the Rwandan government brought about a list of new laws for all churches siting safety and hygiene as concerns. By March 20th, in this tiny country, the government had shut down 6,315 churches. As you can imagine this has greatly impacted the body of Christ here in Rwanda. While there are still churches open, the majority of churches we have worked with and in are closed until they can meet the new safety standards. Of our Acts...
Pastor Damour’s testimony is one of amazing grace and a life surrendered to God’s work in the far regions of Rwanda. “I was born into and raised in a family of non-Christians. As I grew I was a terrible sinner. I was a drunkard for 17 years,” Damour shares of his history. Later, Damour began reading the Bible. “I read that the righteous would go to heaven forever, but sinners would be in Hell. I was very afraid of Hell,” he...
Dear Friends, July 6, 2016 Greetings from Rwanda. In this season, our weather is comparable to yours, sunny, dry, and hot! We do not expect any rain for at least another month, and have seen no rain in 2 months. Needless to say, it is a bit dry, but, laundry sure dries fast! There is also the advantage of never having to cancel or postpone programs due to heavy rains. In a land where few have cars, and most roads are dirt,...
Love, it’s a wonderful thing. It is what relationships are rooted in, what we thrive on, what we need more of in families, churches and society. Love is easy, even fun and gratifying when there is genuine gratitude, joyful reception, productivity and reciprocity, but what do we do when Love doesn’t seem to be working. I love the lighter side of love, it’s the side we find most joy in, and the perspective of love you’ll see in most of my photos...
Often when I write an update, I’m condensing an entire month into a few paragraphs. This means you get the essence of the month’s activity, but you don’t get to know the human faces impacted. I wanted to take a moment to share with you a glimpse into just a few lives I’ve interacted with this week. First there is Caleb, a young man we sponsor to vocational school. He works 90 hours per week for a total monthly salary of...