
04 Apr

Graceful reminders of God’s Goodness

Thank you for your kind gifts to this ministry and for your prayers. You are such a grand part of what we are able to do here in Rwanda. This month seemed to be full of little graceful reminders of God’s goodness in allowing us to impact lives here. We continue to care for an abandoned baby boy who is always smiling. We visited one of our partner churches whose church we were able to help renovate and re-open several years ago....

04 Apr

Happy New Year. December in Review

Dear Friends,                                                                     1/9/2024  Happy New Year!  Thank you for your gracious support to us in 2023. Each December, I relish the opportunities the Christmas season holds to share the Good News of the Savior and share His hope and love with others. We are able to bless many families with Christmas food and deliver gifts to students from sponsors. This year we held a nativity program in our preschool. Before coming to school, many of our preschoolers have never heard...

20 Mar

Monthly Ministry Update

Thank you for your gifts to this ministry. Your prayers and your giving make possible our mission to Share God’s love and salvation. Aside from our main areas of ministry focus, there are many people whom we help with medical needs, housing, food, and small jobs to become self-supporting. This month, there seemed to be a greater number of medical needs. I share this with you, as these are needs you are helping to meet. Kefa, one of our middle school students,...

10 Jan

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I trust you had a wonderful season celebrating our Savior’s birth and sharing His love and salvation. I am always grateful for the opportunities the Christmas season affords us to celebrate His birth and show His love. ...

16 Jan

A Bountiful Harvest & An Open Door

(May, 2021)Our Farmers were able to harvest 1,700 pounds of beans this month, and plan to harvest their maize and sorghum this next month. They are thrilled at how this project is allowing them to farm to provide for their families nearly year round. Our preschool is in its second semester, and the children and their parents are loving the education the students are receiving. We have purchased an acre of land to begin building. We have obtained our land title,...

31 Dec

It’s Sponsorship Time!

It’s  Sponsorship Time! As we begin a New Year, Children in Rwanda begin a new school year. The school year 2020 begins in just days on January 6! We have registered all students to our capacity at this time, with 100 more on a waiting list. If you sponsor a student through Love Alive’s sponsorship program, the time to renew your sponsorship is now! If you have not sponsored before, but would like to begin sponsoring a child, this is a fabulous time to begin...

09 Oct

Children’s Learning Center

This September, we opened up a Children’s Learning Center for our primary grade students. As children here study either mornings or afternoons, the center is open for children to come before or after their studies. We offer homework help, tutoring, activity-based learning, play, and porridge each day. As most of our students have parents who were unable to receive a good education themselves, students often have no one to help with homework or concepts with which they struggle. As the teachers...

14 May

An Update on Churches in Rwanda

Hello. I trust this letter finds you doing well. I am most certainly grateful to you and for the way God has used you in prayer and support of ministry here in Rwanda. Just over one year ago, I wrote to inform you of the drastic changes that had taken place here, with the government closing well over 6,000 churches. Some of you compassionately responded to assist the churches here. Last year we were able to see two churches we work...

02 May


Thank you for sponsoring children through Love Alive International. The 2019 school year is our 7th year of sponsorship, and we have over 400 students enrolled in our program this year. Your sponsorship provides each student with necessary school fees, uniform, and school supplies—all the tools they need for a great school year. We are also excited to be holding weekly Sponsorship Bible clubs in each school this year. We began our first in-school Bible Club the first week of February, and I...