Our Board


Laura Yockey is the founder and director of LOVE ALIVE INTERNATIONAL. She has a vision of love, and compassion for the people of Africa. She has taken multiple short term trips to Africa, and has devoted her life to showing the life-changing love of God to the people of Africa.

Laura graduated from Pensacola Christian College in 2002 and received her Masters degree from Liberty University in Professional Counseling in 2012.

Laura launched Love Alive International Inc. in the fall of 2012 and returned to Rwanda in January of 2013.

Our Mission

LOVE ALIVE INTERNATIONAL seeks to put the love of Christ into Action reaching across the globe through evangelism, education, and humanitarian aid.

Mission Statement:

Love Alive International seeks to provide an avenue for you to reach out to those across the ocean and yet designate just how your donation will be used and to see the impact of your personal gift. You can designate your gift for any amount to any need you are impacted by and be informed as to exactly how that gift was used and who benefited from that. Most of all, each person assisted with any funding through Love Alive International will be impressed with the message that someone cared enough to reach out and show the Love of Christ, a love that compels us to action, a love that is alive.


The greatest command of all is to love God ( Matthew 22:36-40). We reveal our love for God by loving our brothers and neighbors locally and around the globe.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus not only proclaimed the message of eternal life but demonstrated his love through healing the sick, feeding the hungry and reaching out to the poor and needy. Jesus plainly told his followers that we demonstrate our love for God in how we love those around us.
(Matthew 25:40). Love gives, goes, prays, watches, helps, lends a hand, finds a way, sacrifices, puts others before self. Love is action. Love is Alive. Love is Christ working in and through us to change the world.


Love Alive International believes that the Gospel is about Love coming Alive in our hearts and lives. Beginning with God’s unfathomable love for us in Sending us His only Son (John 3:16) Who then loved us enough to provide a way for our redemption, salvation and eternal life (John 14:6), Christianity is about carrying the message of God’s love for man and demonstrating that love toward mankind (I John 4:21).John 13:34-35
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”