Thank you for your kind gifts to this ministry and for your prayers. You are such a grand part of what we are able to do here in Rwanda. This month seemed to be full of little graceful reminders of God’s goodness in allowing us to impact lives here.
We continue to care for an abandoned baby boy who is always smiling.

We visited one of our partner churches whose church we were able to help renovate and re-open several years ago. The pastor continues to faithfully serve, and the church continues to grow and worship.
We are blessed to be able to help in various other medical areas as we continue to help Winny in physical therapy, facilitate speech therapy for Emmanuel, who at age 8 does not speak, and provide trauma counseling for a teen student in need. We were able to intervene and assure safety and protection for a young student being abused.
We were able to provide a Bible for a neighbor lady who knocked at our door to request a Bible as she had heard she could get one from us. A secondary student to whom we gave a Bible said, “You don’t even know how happy I am. This is an answer to my prayers. I prayed for a Bible, a God has answered my prayers.”

When we were able to admit two little girls into our preschool free of charge, their mother fell to her knees, arms raised in worship as tears streamed down her face thanking God for this blessing in her life.
We have a team of six from my home church who arrived last night to spend a week with us in ministry, and we look forward to a wonderful time together.
Please continue to pray with us especially in the following matters: Pray for the family of a 16 year-old sponsored student as she died tragically and suddenly last week. We and her family are comforted that she is now with Jesus, but grieve her loss.
All of our sponsorship students begin their end-of-term exams this week. Please keep them in prayer.
Please pray for the continued provision to build our school and purchase more land that we may increase our capacity to welcome many more children in Jesus name.
Thank you for your continued friendship in ministry. We are blessed to partner with you.
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